

We encourage and support a program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of Race, Color, 宗教, 性, 障碍, 家族的地位, 国家的起源, 或性取向. 我们的申请和筛选过程完全符合所有联邦法律, 州和地方法律,包括但不限于公平住房和美国残疾人法. 

谢谢你对出租物业感兴趣! If you have any questions concerning the application process please contact our office by email to receive the fastest response sandiego-leasing@purepm.co 

办公时间:星期一至星期五上午九时.m. - 5:00 p.m.

降低迁入成本, 请查看以下有关我们的保证金置换计划的信息!


Applicants or a designated representative must personally view the property (including the interior) and agree to accept the property in the documented Move-In Ready condition. No consideration will be given to cosmetic concerns raised after submission of an application. 

Any misrepresentations in this application will be grounds for immediate denial of the application and/or termination of any lease agreement entered into as a result of this application. 

申请费- $54.每位成人申请人00元

All individuals over the age of 18 MUST fill out a separate application if they will be living on the property.

在所有申请人都填写完表格后,申请才会被考虑, 电子签名, 并支付了他们的申请费用.

Applications will be processed in the order they are received and are valid for 30 days.

An associate from the PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站 leasing department may contact you for additional information during the verification process. Please respond promptly so the background verification can be completed as quickly as possible so as not to delay the approval process.

如果您需要协助完成申请, 你可以预约PURE团队成员. 

最好在启动后完成应用程序. Closing the application or browser will lose the information entered and you will have to start over.

如果申请被批准, the lease will be dated to start no later than 20 days after PURE’s application approval date or from the date the property is available, 以较晚的为准.

如果你的申请被批准,并且你签署了一份租约来占用该物业, 第一个月的房租将在签订租约时付清. 如果你的租期不是在一个月的第一天开始, 任何按比例计算的租金金额将适用于入住第二个月.

在租赁开始日期之前, 居民必须支付所有到期的款项, 这可能包括, 居民福利套餐费, and security deposit or a Security Deposit Replacement Plan fee via the 居民门户, 或者用保付支票或汇票.

Applicants declare that the use of any residential property will be solely for the purposes of a personal residence by the applicants and their listed occupants.


All applicants must verify the existence or non-existence of pets or assistance animals through our vendor, PetScreening.com. 链接将通过电子邮件发送给您,您有24小时完成此步骤.

有效的社会安全号码, 也就是说, 所有申请人都需要提供签证允许在美国停留的证明.  

所有申请人必须完成身份验证, 收入确认, 就业验证, 以及通过Verifast进行的资金活动不足. 如果你没有完成这一步,你的申请将不被考虑.  链接将通过电子邮件发送给您,您有24小时完成此步骤.

There may be additional application and/or deposit requirements for properties located in a homeowner association or condominium association. 参考清单了解适用性. 



我们使用TranUnion的居民Score作为筛选过程的一部分. 居民Score analyzes risk concerning rental screening and credit information to produce a score between 350 and 850. 居民Score is not the same as a credit score that you might obtain directly from a credit reporting agency. 

A guarantor may be allowed in cases where the applicant’s 居民Score cannot be determined by Transunion and/or the applicant does not meet the income requirement.  担保人必须有可核实的总收入为月租金的4倍, 并有一个可接受的居民评分. 

The gross monthly income of all applicants combined must be at least 3 times the monthly rent. Self-employed applicants may submit a signed previous year's filed tax return to verify income equal to 3 times the monthly rent or show an average bank balance equal to 6 times the monthly rent.

Current residents of PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站 must demonstrate a satisfactory rental payment history and provide notice to vacate in accordance with the lease agreement. An inspection is required to verify satisfactory maintenance of the property and the application is not considered complete until this is done.




以确保我们所有的居民了解我们的宠物和动物相关的政策, 我们要求每个人都完成第三方的筛选和审查过程, 包括没有宠物的申请人. This process ensures we have formalized pet and animal-related policy acknowledgments and accurate pet/animal records. 宠物筛查对每只宠物收费25美元. 这是租金申请费之外的另一项费用. There is no charge for the profile created for an assistance animal accommodation request and no charge for the profile created for residents without a pet/animal. A link will be emailed to you to complete a pet/animal application through Petscreening.com

只有宠物主人才需要支付个人资料更新费用. 援助动物和非宠物档案更新免费. 

经核实的援助动物不收费. 每个宠物的月租费在30美元到80美元之间.  

只有选定的属性允许宠物. 不允许携带以下犬种:比特犬, 阿拉斯加雪橇犬, 罗纳维尔犬, 秋田犬, 周润发, 美国斯塔福德梗, 和美国斗牛犬. 杜宾犬, 拳击手, 德国牧羊犬, 大丹犬, 西伯利亚雪橇犬, 只狼的混血儿, 声部进入记号Canario, 以及任何在其血统中有上述品种的狗. 如果狗有暴力行为的历史,它是不允许进入财产的. 

Assistance animals which include service animals and support animals are not considered pets and are not subject to any fees. 我们确实需要通过PetScreening进行完整和批准的筛选.com. 宠物筛选将要求提供必要的文件来验证援助动物.   


我们的最低租期是12个月. 除非房源提供此选项,否则不提供短期租赁.


在PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司,我们为保证金提供两种选择. 第一种选择是传统的保证金, where a lump sum is paid at move-in and is held on account for the duration of your tenancy. 如果您的帐户没有到期的最终余额, 然后,全额保证金将根据租赁条款退还. 

第二个选择是我们的保证金置换计划. 该计划是根据资格提供的. 有了这个选项, you will pay a monthly non-refundable fee for the duration of your tenancy instead of the traditional upfront deposit. No funds will be held to use towards any balance on your account at the time of move out. 作为租客,您仍将负责搬迁时评估的任何费用.


PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站 居民福利包 delivers savings and convenience by offering professional services to assist our residents. Applicant agrees to be enrolled and to pay the applicable cost which can range from $27.00 to $39.每月00英镑,连同租金一并支付.



The Application Fee pays for the following cost incurred by PURE Property 十大赌博信誉网站:

处理身份验证的第三方服务, 每个申请人的收入证明和消费报告. - $20.50

员工人工费审核申请, 审查筛选结果, 完成我们的租户筛选评估过程, 并在整个过程中与申请人进行沟通. – $33.50

